How it Works
The whole thing starts with your request for transport.
Make a call to 0759931143 and leave a message containing your name and phone number.
When they pick up the call the coordinator will call you and take down the full details of the journey. This is the time to tell them of any particular needs that you have.
The coordinator will then ring around the drivers until they find one that can do the job. Once your journey has been allocated to a driver, the coordinator will ring you to give you the name of the driver and to confirm the pick-up time. They will also tell you the suggested donation for the journey. (All donations are voluntary. The suggested donation is a guide. It tells you how much it costs Car Link to provide your transport).

The Journey
The driver should arrive at the appointed time. He or she will have a photo identity badge. Please ask to see it so that you can confirm that he/she is one of our drivers. Once you are seated comfortably and have buckled your seat belt the driver will take you to your destination.
If you are claiming your travelling expenses back it is best to mention this on the outward journey.
When you arrive at your destination you should arrange a meeting place with your driver. The driver expects to wait for up to two hours. If you know that you will need more than that you should book two trips.
When you are ready to return, meet your driver at the agreed place and he will fetch the car to take you home. The driver will hand you an envelope for your donation. The driver cannot give you change so have the amount you wish to donate ready. Seal up the envelope with your donation in it and hand it to your driver.
If you need to book another journey you will have to go through the procedure again. You cannot book another journey with your driver.