Car Link
What is Gillingham Car Link?
When the Hospital car service was scrapped, the people of Gillingham without a car faced either a whole day of travelling to get to and from the hospital or a £70 each way taxi ride.
Gillingham Car Link was formed to meet this need.
We have a number of volunteer drivers who use their own cars to take people where they need to go. All our drivers are DBS checked. They receive expenses to cover the running costs of their cars. Our coordinators are compensated for the use of their telephone, but everyone gives their time freely.
Gillingham Car Link became a registered charity a number of years ago. This means that you can be sure that your donations are being used for the benefit of the community. All our drivers and officers are volunteers.
As an organisation Car Link endeavours to be as transparent as possible. Our Annual General Meeting is open to the public.
Just Some of our People
"I work for Car Link because it helps people get out and about, but it also helps me. I get out and meet people."
Driver and Treasurer

"We volunteer for Car Link because we enjoy helping people, chatting with them and with our drivers, and it makes us feel part of the Gillingham community. "
Suzan and Philip
Coordinators and Publicity
"I volunteer as a Car Link driver because I enjoy meeting such a variety of people with such a range of life stories. Every one of them really appreciates what we do."

"I joined Car Link as I love driving and can help people out as well as having a chat and a laugh."
"Volunteering as a driver provides satisfaction and clients appreciate the banter and chat whilst taking them to their appointments as they may become apprehensive and this distracts them from their visit to the hospital or doctors appointments etc. Also the driver may be the only person they see over a number of days especially if they do not have family/relatives living nearby."

"I joined Car Link because they were looking for Co-ordinators. As an ex Transport Manager I thought I could help. That was 11 years ago! Time flies."
Principal coordinator